
Foundational Research projects 2022:

-       Core capabilities for digital transformation 

-       Benchmarking  digital strategy maturity

-       Measuring and Optimising Digital Business Value 

-       Digital Transformation Change Management and Culture


Commissioned Research

We analyse the real value of their return on investment and wider impacts and implications, and provide rich insight into effective practices.                              

Recent engagements include:

·      thought leadership papers

·      how to better engage with customers

·      how to evaluate strategic investments

·      how to introduce and deploy automation and digital technologies      assessing policies for turbulent environments. 

The focus across all our research is on evidence-based assessment and recommendations. 

Evidence-based comparison 

Recent assignments include diagnostic benchmarking, establishing value of investments, effective automation practices. Our research methodology has evolved from our LSE roots to be empirical, rigorous, ethical and based on detailed dialogue with stakeholders to offer high insight value.