We provide clear sighted, rigorously fact based global intelligence and case experience as the basis for developing operations strategies that couple new technologies and methods with successful change management.
Faced with an ever-expanding array of innovative service options, businesses and governments alike are challenged to stay competitive and relevant, to make wise decisions, to achieve more for less, and to do so responsibly. Powerful automation and artificial intelligence tools are reshaping the strategy and operations landscape and the need for informed decision-making and effective change management in this area grows more acute by the day.
In this environment, the strategic contribution of new technologies and collaborative service relationships – and their importance to shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, citizens and taxpayers - demands farsighted planning and effective governance. At Knowledge Capital Partners, we help our clients design and implement sustainable, evidence-based operations and sourcing strategies that are ethical, socially responsible, commercially effective, and professionally managed. And we work closely with them to build collaborative change capabilities across their operations and service ecosystem.
We offer an unrivalled case research base, executive education, independent advisory and speaker services to corporate and government clients worldwide, through a global network of senior business professionals, academics and consultants.
Global Sourcing: the New Challenges
“To remain competitive both sets of professionals from service providers and clients are going to need different leadership styles, different forms of contracting, new ways of teaming and working together, and much better trust-based behaviors based on aligned metrics and incentives. The move needs to be a mission in collaborative innovation, and this cannot be postponed much longer.”
Research, Education, Advisory and Speaker services for client organisations, service providers, governments and their agencies.
KCP NEtwork
A group of people who offer exceptional insight and experience of transforming policies and practices to achieve better outcomes.