Knowledge Capital Partners is an expert research, advisory and communications firm providing independent insight into the impact of intelligent automation and digital technologies. We also provide tools to support the successful deployment of these technologies and the challenges faced on the journey to digital transformation.
New Publication - ‘Maximising Value with Automation and Digital Transformation : A Realist’s Guide’
In all the hype surrounding AI and the dash to figure out how to gain from it, business leaders will come face to face with a hard reality. A strong digital platform must first be in place, to build, integrate and release Ai’s potential on any scale. A joined up, proven digital infrastructure will be a precondition for making strategic advances with AI.
This is the message behind a new book from the KCP research team led by Emeritus Professor of The London School of Economics, Leslie Wilcocks. The book is the result of independent, large scale, in-depth research into the factors in user organizations that determine success and failure in digital technologies.
Digital Transformation - Lets Get Real!
Research carried out by the London School of Economics and Knowledge Capital Partners (KCP) highlights that only 1 in 3 digital transformations are succeeding. And even with these, only 67% of the targeted business value is captured, meaning that trillions of dollars, is left on the table.
And this is where KCP comes in, by providing a third-party, rigorously independent review of your progress in capturing available business value through our benchmark tool across the seven essential capabilities that capture business value within digital transformation.
Total Value of Ownership (TVO)
Neither Return on Investment (ROI) or *Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) lead to gaining strategic value from technology.
Based on extensive research at Knowledge Capital Partners, we have developed a new measurement framework for technology investments we call Total Value of Ownership (TVO). With this concept, the objective is to ensure that business case for new technology are driven by:
- Total costs (both explicit and hidden costs)
- Multiple expected business benefits, including the strategic returns from future business and technical options made possible by the new technology (hidden value).
*defined as the total technical, project, human and organizational acquisition and operating costs, as well as costs related to replacement or upgrades at the end of the life cycle. TCO adds up all resource costs across all the activities comprising the life-cycle, flushing out hidden costs so often missed when using ROI.